I created this graphic so you can map out your own partner & vendor Martech Ecosystem. The “Major Players” shown are examples and are not intended to be comprehensive.
It’s a qualitative assessment. I’ve used my many years of experience with the worlds largest companies – plotting which vendors have emerged as the dominate players in their respective categories.
If you are not already familiar with the extensive work done in this area by Scott Brinker, please check out his website https://chiefmartec.com. Scott has done a comprehensive job cataloging thousands of MarTech (and other tech) companies in a variety of different areas of specialization. His latest super graphic stuffs 11,038 companies onto one page (has grown from 3,874 when I made this initial post in 2016). You can view it here: https://chiefmartec.com/2024/05/2024-marketing-technology-landscape-supergraphic-14106-martech-products-27-8-growth-yoy/
By contrast, my picture is intended to filter that list down to some of the major players in key areas, and is especially useful to larger corporations, or software vendors that seek to operate & partner for selling to enterprise class organizations.
If you would like a copy of this .ppt, please comment in this post that you would like a copy, include your email, and I’ll send it to you.